Join us for a break down of the Kaiju films lost to history, lost to the weather or legally lost to everyone else. We look at 7 films that we won't be looking at elsewhere on this podcast as the entire film is lost, unreleased or otherwise unavailable.
Join us as we rate our desire to see these projects, from Japan's original statue Daikaiju in the Great Buddha Arrival to the fan film of Gamera 4 on Kaiju Vs. History.
Twitter: @kaijuvshistory
Email: kaijuvshistory@kaijuvshistory
We take a look at a Syfy original movie in RHI Entertainment's Maneater seires this week. Will it outshine the Asylum mockbusters that littered...
We turn our sights on another new studio trying to make a splash on the Kaiju scene, this week with the Nikkatsu Corporation. Will...
Tristar Godzilla might have died literally and figuratively on the big screen, but will a successor find renewed vigor as a cartoon? Find out...