Latest Episodes
Episode 174 - Love & Peace (2015)
This week we set our sights on one of the most unique kaiju films on our watch list, and a sweet holiday film we...
Episode 173 - Monsters: Dark continent (2014)
We look at an unlikely and seemingly unconnected sequel to Gareth Edwards 2010 indy film that put him on the kaiju map. But will...
Episode 172 - Godzilla (2014)
Finally after feasting on scraps this season we get to the Hollywood project that likely made if possible for this podcast to exist. Reigniting...
Episode 171 - Mega Shark vs Mecha Shark (2013)
Here we are over half way through the Mega Shark series and we are only regretting them onto the Kaiju list a lot. This...
Episode 170 - Big Ass Spider (2013)
We take a look at a throwback to giant insect films of yesterday's Hollywood, but one that still failed to make a big splash....
Episode 169 -Pacific Rim (2013)
Its rare that a major new Kaiju franchise is started in Hollywood, and even rarer still when its done so by an award winning...